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Application No: Z/2000/2112/F Date of Applicaton: 30-Aug-2000 List
Application Type: Full Area: Belfast
Decision: Approval Date of Decision: 02-Nov-2000

Site for Proposed Development: 10B Knockcastle Park, Belfast
Description of Proposal: Conversion of existing garage to dining room and erection of car port.

Applicant: Mr FA Dowds Agent:
Address: 10B Knockcastle Park Address:

Developer Type: Pri Development Type: PR Proposed Land Use: Domestic extensions, Domestic Garages, Domestic Outbldgs (inc pigeon lofts), gardens

Date of Council meeting: 19-Oct-2000 Recommendation to Council: Local Authority decision View of Council: Agree

Date First Advertised: Date of Issue: 18-Nov-2000 Article 31: NO



As required by Article 34 of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991, the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.Reason: Time limit.


The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted, shall match those of the existing dwelling.Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and to ensure the proposal is in keeping with the existing dwelling.

1 Precautions shall be taken to prevent the deposit of mud and other debris on the adjacent road by vehicles travelling to and from the construction site. Any mud, refuse, etc. deposited on the road as a result of the development, must be removed immediately by the operator.

2 Not withstanding the terms and conditions of the Department of Environment's approval set out above, you are required under Article 71 - 83 inclusive of the Roads (NI) Order 1993 to be in possession of the DRD's consent before any work is commenced which involves making openings to any fence or hedge bounding the site. The consent is available on personal application to the Roads Service Section Engineer. A deposit will be required.

3 All construction plant and materials shall be stored within the curtilage of the site.

4 It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure thatsurface water does not flow from the site onto the public road.surface water from the roof of the development hereby approved does not flow onto the public road, including the footway.

5 Foul water sewer available, subject to Water Service approval to connect. If required a connection will be granted on approval of a completed Water Service Application Form and payment of the DRD's standard charge. Contact Water Service's Customer Services Unit to obtain an application form, or telephone Waterline on 0845 7440088.

6 Surface water sewer not available. Surface water must not be taken to the foul sewer. Where it is proposed to discharge surface water to a river, stream or watercourse prior written consent for such discharge must be obtained the Department of Agriculture's River Agency.

7 To ensure compliance with the Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1973, as amended 1993, consultation with Water Service is essential at design stage with regard to the following matters: (a)water supply requirements;(b)foul water and surface water sewerage (Article 17 agreement) requirements;(c)trade effluent discharge;(d)septic tank emptying;(e)existing water main crossing the site;(f) existing sewer crossing the site.Contact Water Service's Customer Services Unit or telephone Waterline on 0845 7440088.

8 If during the course of developing the site the developer uncovers a pipe not previously evident the local Water Service should be notified immediately in order that arrangements may be made for investigation and direction in respect of any necessary measures required to deal with the pipe.

9 The premises are already connected to a public sewerage system.

10 Combined sewers available.

11 This approval does not dispense with the necessity of obtaining the permission of the owners of adjacent dwellings for the removal of or building on the party wall or boundary whether or not defined.

DOE2020 / 752342 / Decided / J38477,73249