The Planning Online website was launched in 1999 and has provided a reliable service to subscribers continuously since then updated on a weekly basis. Planning Online is privately owned and not controlled by or connected to DoE Planning Service, Planning Appeals Commission, or any other Government Department. We provide a service to the planning & development sector with accurate and comprehensive information on Planning Applications, Decisions, and Appeals in Northern Ireland.
There is a Freesearch service through which anyone can check if there are any recent Planning Applications or Decisions in their area - absolutely free!
Planning Online Freesearch provides access to basic details of all recent (approx. 4 weeks). planning applications and decisions. Free Data includes DoE ref no, applicant, date of application and initial characters of address and proposed development. If additional information is required, full details can be viewed by taking out a 1-day subscription.
Subscribers can view full details including:-
Location Maps and Satellite photos
Results list includes satellite photo showing location of relevant cases.
Planning Online Professional
This advanced service has been designed for property professionals who need accurate and detailed planning information. It provides access to information on Planning Applications, Decisions and Appeals in Northern Ireland. There are 2 searchable databases - one contains details of all Planning Applications and Decisions in Northern Ireland since 1973 and the other has details of all Planning Appeals in since 1997.
Additional data available for subscribers to Planning Online Professional.
Source of informationThe information in the Planning Online applications/decisions web-site is sourced electronically from computer records held by the DoE(NI) Planning Service. The Appeals information is sourced directly from the computer records of the Planning Appeals Commission. All descriptions, addresses and names are reproduced as entered in official records. Whilst all reasonable care is exercised in accurately extracting, sorting and importing the published information, no legal responsibility is accepted by the publisher for any errors or omissions in the information.
UpdatingThe Application/Decision database is updated weekly with all new applications and decisions added to the DoE Planning Service computer system. The Planning Appeals database is currently not being updated because of the decision of the Planning Appeals Commission to stop providing information to Planning Online with effect from 30/6/2008. Details of recent appeal decisions are provided with the planning decision information including a link to the relevant appeal decision report.
The Planning Online web-sites are protected by COPYRIGHT and all rights are reserved.